Saturday, March 15, 2008

Self pity...

Today I saw a piece of white plastic
Stuck on a tree without leaves
As I looked up at it I could see the sky
The tree though short I could not set free
The white piece of plastic that was stuck to
But a branch on that tree

I saw it as a sign for how my life stands
for in that plastic as alien to the tree
without leaves I see my self
on the threshold of all my dreams
but on hold without being set free

stuck on the topmost branch
just but a yard away from flying high
to achieve the great and pursue happiness
but being held back for reason known not
the futility of it all just hit me
as a harsh cold breeze blew into my face

I fear feeling pity for myself
In world not short on self pity
That I cannot blame any one person
Or thing for that matter
And be done with it so to say
On being held back without
Being allowed to fly in the sky so high

But I am stuck on that bracnh for now
With no apparent help but I dare hope
That someday soon things will be clear
As to why I have to feel this fear
And how should I face it for
Now I am lost but not the hope

Prayers are strong as is goodwill
That is one thing I am not short or shy of
At the moment as things stand
They are the two weapons that I embrace
In the fight so to say to set free
That piece of plastic white as can be
Into the high skies and beam like a light
In the dark blue skies….


Unknown said...

And one fine winter day, the leaves start falling off. But again then, u would stick to ur branch on the top most portion of the tree and yell, 'I stand strong coz I fought alone'

Cheers buddy.... Keep that hope of urs intact.. Brings in great deeds...

Macadamia The Nut said...

I think this is your BEST post to date. The writing was awesome, and beyond that, the THOUGHT was too good!

Amazing Graze said...

hmmm, nice imagery... liked this one. :)

viswajith.k.n said...

well...jealousssssss i am...for i will not be able to write something of this quality...something this mysterious yet so vivid and clear...:P

Mambalam Mani said...

Ya best one to date.
I found that, in life everything has a meaning. Especially bad things. It teaches us things and we grow the wiser. One day the plastic piece would realize that it was far more secure in the clutches of the tree than free in the turbulent winds.


Macadamia The Nut said...

Boo! where are you?