Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Illusions may be false but sometimes they are the Truth

There was once a little girl

And then there was not.

For she had been exposed

To mesons in the Cryon

No one knew how

-          On the walls of the ruins of the Babylon Research Facility (Circa 2566 AD)

Humankind had finally mastered space travel in the year 2333 AD. Since the first settlement on the moon of Saturn had been successful there was flood of settlers all across the galaxy. Dr. Gaber Wallpee’s ground breaking research in the field of Mesogentic travel had opened the way for the future of mankind. He had led the greatest to the planet Babylon in the beta quadrant of Sector G. At its heyday something happened. No one knows what. Why am telling you all this rubbish you ask? I am a Reperto Historian and I came to the ruins of Babylon 10 years ago. We are considered a cult, us Repertos. Fuck people don’t know the importance of the Reperto History research. The incident needs to be uncovered soon for the all our futures are tied to it. People are such dumb fucks.

Anyway I walked into my office with my cup of Joe and saw Parka was already there. She was always there before me. Everyday this past 10 years, she was always in that seat when I walked in. I began to wonder if she even slept. I knew everything about her and yet I did not. She Said, “Heyy… we going down the tunnel today?” I nodded my head.  We started walking. One sip of my coffee is all I enjoyed anyway. We took the elevator and then the beast.

I smelt her hair sitting behind her as she drove the beast full speed. I closed my eyes and stopped. We would soon be at the cusp of the tunnel, at the doorway. No one knew what lay behind the doorway. We had not yet figured out what Dr.Wallpee had intended it for. We started the work of painful restoration. We had 10 hours before the LUPP set and the Lumsar cycle started, after which it would be too cold to work. I went to start work on sector 72. I was the only Reperto who could translate the ancient symbols. The story so far on the Doorway was “There was once a little girl…”

I was ready for some coffee.  I didn’t realize it had been 6 hours. I had added a full two line today which was extremely fortuitous. We would have been lucky with a few letters. The new line read

But there is a legend of a Circle
And that is an Aakrap

I wondered what that meant. That was when I heard her scream. I ran and I ran. I came to Sector 64, it had taken me exactly 7 minutes. She was not there. I looked at the doorway section and saw no clues. I looked around, closed my eyes and thought “Fuck!”.  I started the technique of Labarynth Math. It was the only way to stay calm. It was a method discovered by the great yogi Japurandakudi of the planet Kudra in the year 2453 AD. She was the first Reperto. I concentrated. I didn’t realize it but I played around with the pattern in my mind in a different way. I wondered why was I seeing these strange patterns. This was not calming me down but rather it was making me sweat. And yet I was cold. I tried opening my eyes I could not. I felt an intense pain and I passed out.

I got up, I had a pain in my elbow. I wondered why and looked forward but there was no doorway. I looked behind me and there it was the doorway. I was confused. The patterns in my head were now bright orange in color. I opened my eyes and started walking forward. I heard the calm voice of a little girl. And then she was in front of me and she smiled. I felt at complete peace with myself.  She sang,

Have you come to rescue me
Finally after all these years
Panda San do you not see
It is futile to save Aakrap
For without the meson accident
There is no humankind
And this circle will destroy
You Panda San
At least this time leave
While you still can for
You cannot solve the puzzle
Panda San

I was confused. Why was… I not horrified at finding myself on the other side? Why did I know this little girl? Why did the words she said make sense? I closed my eyes. The patterns had changed and I had this sudden urge to push the Cuboid I saw. It changed. A flush of memories flooded past my neural network and it all came back to me. I understood.

“Parkaa”, I said, “When were you caught in this time loop?” She looked at me confused. She said “ I am Aakrap Panda San”.  I continued, “ Parkaa, you were not the cause of the accident. We need to get out of here. I know how now” She looked at me confused. And suddenly she found herself fully grown. She took my hand and realized who she was. I turned and the doorway disappeared and we walked through.


Panda San was just a creation
Something of a mindmeld
What was real was but false
and what was false was really
something like the truth.

She looked at me with her eyebrow raised. She said “ So when I was a baby I was caught in the vortex when the Cryon generator broke down.  I understand that but why were you the one to figure it out?”. I smoked some berrylthum and said,” Its simple Parkaa, Labyrinth Math allowed me to connect with you in the warp hole. You were able to project yourself out of it into the real world without realizing it. You thought the real world was an illusion or a dream while you slept. And these last 10 years I have always wondered when did you sleep? You knew me and I knew you and yet in the warp your mind kept you at an age that was comfortable for the body. Once I realized that the rest was simple.” She smiled, and I smiled back. The world needed to know. This was going to .,….

A Filarial Special Story

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Kung Fu Jackass Again....

The king of the roaches
Sat up one night, not Sat night
Pondering on his kingdom
And the doom that prevailed

It had been seven years
Of lost itch and glory
Since that fateful day
When the queen had lost
To that jackass named Kung fu

The vermin had attacked
And taken over most of the kingdom
The queen had lost her sanity
For her heart was lost to insanity

The vermin were closing in
On the famed walls of the
Roach kingdom Zinzane
In that universe Beta K

And that was when he came
Having learned to interstellar
That same inferior hero
Who no one knew off

He had learned a new art
That of a flavor fart
What is that you ask
U would rather smell it not

The vermin surrounded the city
The forces were vile
The leader shouted
Surrender u damn roaches

The elixir still lasted
and Kung Fu Jack Ass thought
the roaches saw him as an enemy
and yet he was here to fight naught

He stood outside the room
And whispered the words
Queen I have come and I ask
Do you lie on a cos over a sine

She perked up and said
Yes this is a cot
You came after all
And left human kind to rot

He laughed and flew into the sky
And drank that elixir to the drop
He built of up his famed ass acidity
And let go of one big flavor fart

The vermin did not stand a chance
The king fell first then those rotten
One million that followed
Not knowing what hit them

The queen smiled into the sky
And was grateful the flavor
Was controlled
The city was saved but what
Of that inferior hero….

A smile exchanged and a seven
Year promise maintained
Kung fu was on his way
To the next place that he was not needed
Or so they said for it was legend.