Thursday, August 23, 2007

The color Red

The color red is so beautiful
But then I do not understand
Why is the color of blood so gory?
Tell me oh sacred one why?

Is it due to the hemoglobin?
But then that is the carrier of life
Is it not?
Oh sacred one please tell me so

The pigments that cause it to be of the same
Have the same chemical as any other pigment
And yet when someone stabs you in the heart
And the blood oozes out
God it is so gory… sacred one
Please tell me to fear not

Now there are two ways the heart can be stabbed..
By the knife of a surgeon which is bearable
Because you are already high on drugs
But the other unbearable
Oh sacred on please tell that neigh to happen

Lets talk about that
You might ask me why is it so painful
Because in this case you guessed it
The cause is a woman
The stab comes without you knowing it
And you may try the same solution
Of drugging yourself against this unseen wound
But it is two late aint it

You weren’t pre-drugged so to say
And that oh sacred one was the cause
The root cause and I aint talking bout no trees
If you wanna correlate the roots
Beetroot is red too but a different kind of red
And to be politically correct I would say “Native root”
Rather than racially discriminate against the different color red

And too think all this started with the color red…


Anonymous said...


Filarial said...

enna eppidi kaari thuppite..:(