Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Its been quite painful coming to this space... but i guess an outlet is an outlet... I made an observation years ago when I read the lord of the rings. In the end once Sauron is vanquished and everybody is back to happy ways and so called eternal happiness Frodo is lost. Lost completely- so much so that he starts keeping to himself except for Sam. As you read on- there are some very beautiful points of views-- of one's lost innocence -- how frodo has been posioned too much in his soul to continue a meaningless existance of finding a wife... raising kids ... being "Happy" on society's terms and leading a "good life"... to poisoned too enriched in a way ... the meloncholy that Tolkien creates is mind numbing... I remember being very uncomfortable as if one day... one day...

1 comment:

viswajith.k.n said...

y this sudden realization?