Tuesday, May 27, 2014

OF the Dragon and the Caterpillar

A dragon once kidnapped a princess
And put her on an island
The island had a lush forest
And as she made her way through
She saw a wood cutter

The wood cutter’s story was similar
Alone on that island having
Been brought by the dragon there
A little while earlier than
The princess herself

The princess was royalty
Having been brought up so
And yet she felt a surge of freedom
That the lonely island provided
And could not have been happier

Along with the woodcutter
She formed a friendship
That was carefree
And as the days and nights
Passed the bond only grew stronger

They scoured the mountains
And the valleys of the islands
Sun, Rain and snow they felt
Sang happy songs in zest
When they came across a caterpillar

The wood cutter was distracted
And the princess got news of
The outside world
The news was not good and
Without his knowledge did
She cut a deal with the dragon

She disappeared that night
And the wood cutter felt stranded
But the caterpillar on the instructions
Of the princess showed him
A path out of the island
A path he had not considered
To a whole new world

The island where there was no one
Else still remained in the illusive mind
But what the new world had forged
Drove things forward
For change he wondered was inevitable
No matter what the struggle

All that remained as a constant
Was the machinery of the Dragon
And the caterpillar wondrous

~ a filarial special pome

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