Monday, January 11, 2016

Kung FU Jack Ass - Goes Third

Burrrrppp did he and all raised
Their eye brows nastily
Little did he care for
All he thought of was..

Long and Far had he come
On the path untaken
Without anyone even knowing
The hero that he was

Rubbed the little elixir that was left
Of that he thought to be ass lotion
And sat on a rickety chair
To live out the days
With his farmer friend
That mortal Scientist

A Cry he could hear
From outer space
Little did he understand
That sound does not
travel through space
Flew out did he
To meet yet another dooms day

Who you ask? Who else
But that inferior hero
That nobody knew off
Kung Fu Jackass was his name
Forget him not at least for
He was going to save
Our lame asses all over again

It was a trap to draw Mr.Jackass
 Zoom did he suddenly
Into a black hole and trapped
For Sound does not
Travel through space
But little did he know that
It did through time

Ass he accelerated through
The queen thought
She had won finally
For Kung FU would be
Thrown into a time
Where he ceased to exist

She would have her revenge
On her sister K
Who was imprisoned
For treason against the state
In jail she was
The king long gone
All alone

Kung fu did not think so
Turned on his ass did he
And that little elixir that he
Had rubbed turned to
A whole blob for time and space
Was collapsing which gave him

BOOOOM! Back was the famed
Flavour fart and he let one rip
That caused a ripple in
the expanses of Space and time
And there he was, Back in Beta K

Then new queen was appalled
Her plan had been thorned
Flee did she but where
In panic and all
But little chance did she stand
For she was up against that legend
Kung FU Jackass.

What ensued they say
Is legend till this day
K was freed and restored
 But all she pined for
Was her former nemesis

He looked at her once again
And with a smile once again
Flew into that doubles sun
To be sling shot back to
The oblivion of the unknown

-          A Filarial Special Pome

If you are interested here are the first two J

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