Monday, April 23, 2007

On request.................... The Zany adventures of agent Su and Agent P .. not the pink bunny .. su and Prrrr and other stories

Cigarettes are an important part of a wonderful Friday night Agent S. Get them before you are too sloshed to make sure your credit card gets back into your wallet and wallet into the back pocket.

In a cigarette shop- some Marlboro lites please .. some guy- hey you guys should be ashamed of yourselves.. have you guys never seen cigarette lighters before .. is this the first time.. not yet drunk to pick up a fight so a lame polite smile get the bill and continue into the moonlit night.

On the street- oh bald one- hey you guys from India??
Agents-Yup. we were just having a laugh that you guys must be from wipro or tata..agents – hhahhahahhahahaha.. no we goto the u here.. cool we actually work for a firm from noida.. have fun guys..

The Brits are coming- a chick chik here and a chik chik there .. get some beer.. try kruggers.. effevtive strategy—drink a pint of beer like a shot.. collars are up now because that’s where the microphone is hidden.. contacting mother ship Agent S and Agent P have reached the target .. mission plan confirmed.

Get to an Irish place down the same street., mother ship confirming mission for the second time- get the gold from a lepricorn.. from under the rainbow. Get some Irish beer which helps us agents whose blood have nanobots locate the gold. Intuition skills upto brilliant levels. Oh Flaming red hair- get us our medicine.. a tryst is planned for my blood and his ever changing lover of different forms Alcohol.. Flaming red hair obliges quickly

Jackass gives us his first appearance—hey u fukun Indians hows it gng??.. bet uve got a comb in your back pocket .. huuuuuuuuuuuh.. Agent P – sure also have a handkerchief in my front pocket to wipe my sweat from my fore head.. wink wink at some blonde chik..
Jack ass will make an appeaeance later on as he moves to table of chiks..

Agent P- Agent S what are thou.. Agent S- I am what I am.. A robot.. Agent P- It is said that robots such as yourself have their genitals in their wrists..
Agent S- It is forbidden to hold hands in public where I come from.. (a sad look encompasses his bot features).. Agent P- Irony would be a really well structured girl bot made to seduce us human agents and all you have to do is hold hands..sigggghhhhhhhhh…

Nanobots upto full charge .. Jackass is back.. after a tryst with Agent S which has not been revealed for both agents get free shots brought up again by Oh Flaming red hair..The gold is now in sight being protected by green jacketed Irish leprecauns..
Mothership- situation assesses pull out of there We repeat pull out of there..

“He who fights and runs away lives to fight another day”


Sushanth said...

Agent S . has read your blog.

Mambalam Mani said...

typical symptoms of hallucinations induced by marijuana...

Filarial said...

(sounds in background..plunk pink chink chu).. dilation of eyes.. retardation of mind..

Swathi Sambhani aka Chimera said...

wonder y i always end up reading good blogs of a place that i recently visited and not during my stay there!

Filarial said...

agent p says u have found the untold law of the blog world..:D